Nós temos lift-off Socrative PRO está aqui Visualizando o entendimento do aluno nunca foi tão fácil Meet Socrative Matthew Patty Escola: Northside ISD, TX Mateus está usando Socrative em um curso de Geometria on-line para estudantes de matemática avançada. Ele usa Socrative para se conectar com os alunos on-line, e ele encontrou sua análise de dados clara uma grande vantagem. Ele acredita que o ensino à distância é o caminho a seguir, aprendendo em nosso próprio tempo e em nosso próprio ritmo. Ele gosta que Socrative facilite este ritmo para que os alunos possam aprender mesmo quando não há um professor na frente deles. Escola Anna Stuart-Vieira: Academia da Trindade para as Artes Escénicas, RI Anna ensina 9º e 10º Biologia e Química em uma escola com muitas opções de tecnologia para os professores escolherem. Anna escolheu Socrative por causa de como é fácil escrever avaliações e carregar imagens. Ela conduz Space Races freqüentemente, que shes encontrado aumentar o engajamento dos alunos. Ela também usa Socrative durante apresentações de alunos para reunir perguntas de pares que ela usa em testes para verificar a compreensão. Rachel Langenhorst Escola: Rock Valley High School, IA Rachel é uma Especialista em Integração de Tecnologia que trabalha com pré-escolares até o 12º ano. Ela primeiro descobriu Socrative enquanto ensinava 6 ª série e viu como ele ajudou a medir a compreensão com pesquisas rápidas e questionários. Ela agora usa Socrative com pré-leitores para tirar fotos e ver quais sons eles entendem. Ela também é uma firme crente em bilhetes de saída Rachels estudantes amor Socrative. Um disse, É muito mais rápido para descobrir como eu fiz. É mais fácil para mim usar e mais divertido do que um papel Maria Worthge Escola: Notre Dame School, CA Uma professora de educação física e yoga, Maria ama que Socrative oferece algo inesperado na sala de aula. Ela usa-lo para realizar testes curtos durante a aula para avaliar a compreensão do aluno em tempo real. Usando imagens, ela pode fazer perguntas como o que é esta pose ou o que não está certo sobre o alinhamento Shes encontrado Socrative lhe permite ver melhor aha momentos, ao fazer os alunos se sentem mais confortáveis e envolvidos. Copy2016 Socrative, Todos os Direitos Reservados Fale Conosco E MC Hammer Um a nove, nenhum maybes, nenhum supõe, nenhuma fração. Você não pode viajar no espaço, você não pode ir para o espaço, você sabe, sem, como, você sabe, uh, com frações8212 o que você vai aterrar em um quarto, três oitavas O que você vai fazer quando você vai de Aqui a Venus ou algo que é física dialética. Como você sabe. Alguns escritores didnt exatamente fazer bem na classe de matemática. Assim, parece que, com o passar do tempo, todo seu conhecimento de matemática foi condensado em uma pilha de informações que agora colam em cada quadro nas cenas da escola ou escrevem em notas de classe, independentemente do conhecimento necessário para entender essas equações. Por exemplo, uma turma de primeira classe por vezes terá muitos Grego Gratuitos como pi (960) escrito no quadro, o que provavelmente só confundirá os alunos que só aprenderiam aritmética. Outros exemplos populares são integrals, e seu conhecido S grande (8747) símbolo. Muitas vezes, no entanto, não haverá qualquer variável de integração. A álgebra elementar será representada como algo como x y z, que é inteiramente sem sentido sem uma descrição do que as variáveis representam ou como elas se relacionam entre si. Não deixe de esquecer Emc 2. a famosa equação que foi degradada em nada, mas uma decoração de aparência complexa em tudo, desde caricaturas crianças para mostras de ciência. (Emc 2 é na verdade a fórmula de Albert Einstein para a equivalência de massa-energia, muito mais pessoas ouviram falar dela do que qualquer idéia do que ela realmente significa). Especialmente cômico se seu pronunciado eeyemseetwo por pessoas que não percebem os dois representa um quadrado. Também relacionado com a relatividade nota, mas desta vez relatividade geral em vez de relatividade especial. As equações de campo de Einstein (R ab - (1/2) g ab R (8960G / c 4) T ab) estão crescendo em destaque como uma fórmula decorativa, como Emc 2 começou a se tornar um cliché. Os termos da esquerda descrevem a curvatura do espaço-tempo (que é percebida como gravidade), enquanto os termos à direita referem-se à distribuição da matéria. Nota Resolver estas equações, mesmo para os casos mais simples, está muito além das habilidades de quase ninguém (resolvê-las para o nosso próprio espaço-tempo ainda não foi atingido em todo o século theyve sido conhecida e não é provável que aconteça em breve). Exige o ensino de pós-graduação em matemática apenas para compreendê-los escrevendo-os em qualquer instituição de ensino inferior seria totalmente inútil. E então há o sigma grande (8721), o símbolo da soma. Nada diz inteligente como um ol sigma grande. Theres também grande pi (928) notação (o símbolo de uma versão multiplicativa do sigma grande). As relações trigonométricas e o teorema de Pitágoras também são populares. Mas não pedir para ver palavras como seno, coseno e tangente. Além disso, há somente dois erros matemáticos que qualquer um faz nunca, não importa como avançado seu conhecimento do campo que perdeu o ponto decimal ou se esqueceu de carregar o um. (Os erros do sinal são convenientemente ausentes.) E a matemática não é o único assunto que obtem este tratamento. Quadros cheios de fórmulas químicas, diagramas de frases ou diagramas de trama / tema / caráter que se estendem por todo o quadro branco, ou genealogias e linhas de tempo que parecem um emaranhado de fios são menos comuns, mas servem a mesma finalidade. Isso acontece por três razões: Primeiro, para garantir que há algum ensinamento acontecendo, como o próprio show felizmente nunca precisa mostrar as classes reais. Em segundo lugar, para assustar os jovens espectadores em acreditar que theyre vai ver essas coisas quando eles envelhecem. Terceiro, como uma maneira de mostrar alguém é realmente inteligente. Muitas vezes combinando com Room Full of Crazy. Se você estava procurando o MC Hammer regular, vá aqui. Abrir / fechar todas as pastas Anime amp Manga Um exemplo bastante infame virou meme vem de uma cena particular em Futari wa Pretty Cure. A cena original é realmente intencional, destinada a dar Honoka uma oportunidade para mostrar como ela é inteligente, apontando o erro, mas ele não consegue fazer nada, mas fazer o professor parecer estúpido. Uma cena em Neon Genesis Evangelion tem um pouco disto antes de vermos os personagens na escola. Faz um esforço para mostrar mais do que apenas números disjuntos, mas, como mostrou um segmento do inferno AMV, ele tem várias equações terrivelmente errado. Um episódio de Air Gear mostra o personagem principal patinando em uma cerca. A câmera congela quando ele salta, e sobrepõe um plano cartesiano (altura ao longo do tempo) com uma parábola rastreando seu salto até agora. Yx 2 foi escrito na parte inferior. Não importa que a curva foi côncava para baixo, então a fórmula deve ser negada. Não importa que ele pulou de debaixo do eixo x para cruzar o eixo y, o que significa que saltou do subterrâneo para o tempo negativo. Em Ouran High School Host Club. Um breve vislumbre de trabalhos de casa Kyoyas mostra notação matemática real que realmente faz algum sentido, mas o contexto em que se encontra é improvável. Em é este um zombi. O protagonista comete o erro de pedir ao genio residente para explicar um problema de matemática desde o início. Algumas horas depois: . As galáxias espirais giram assim, meio que como um topo. Você precisa de uma seqüência para girar, e isso é onde a teoria das cordas vem. Oh, certo. Eu quero tocar na teoria super cordas também. Mais tarde, depois de perguntar como sopa poderia ser usado para destruir monstros (faz sentido no contexto), eles são dadas uma longa explicação fora da tela concluindo com eu não posso responder qualquer uma das suas perguntas embora. Eu não entendo o material super teoria de cordas quer. Algumas das perguntas de matemática que aparecem no quadro em Puella Magi Madoka Magica para uma aula de matemática da oitava série são tiradas, entre outros lugares, do exame de admissão para a Universidade de Tóquio. Mais informações aqui. Poderia ser justificado. O cenário parece futurista, e é possível que, à medida que a tecnologia se torna mais avançada, nosso conhecimento também. Usado In-Universe em Yuyushiki. Ditzy Genius Yuzuko encontra a fórmula de Congruência Zellers e entende o que ele faz, mas devido a Rule of Funny. Ela não pode descobrir como usá-lo. Jogado com em um sargento. Frog episódio onde o pelotão disfarçar-se são crianças na escola de irmãos Fuyuki e Giroro é dado um problema na forma de um quadro cheio de fomulae incompreensível. Ele olha para ele todos os dias e apenas horas depois da aula tinha concluído ele percebe um pouco x 0 no canto que, aparentemente, aplicado a tudo. Fazendo a resposta simplesmente zero. Em um livro de quadrinhos de Carl Barks, o quadro-negro em uma sala de aula de jardim de infância tem uma expressão matemática ligeiramente ilegível, possivelmente absurda escrita nele, incluindo um sinal integral (que, aliás, parece ter uma variável de integração). Um cartoon velho de Sidney Harris lampshades este: dois cientistas estão estando na frente de um quadro-negro cheio das equações. No meio do tabuleiro o caos de integrais, summations, e outro gobbledygook matemático é interrompido pela declaração então um milagre ocorre, e então as equações continuam. A legenda diz que eu acho que você deveria ser mais explícito aqui na etapa dois. Lonard le Gnie faz isso com frequência. Uma vez ele rabiscou acidentalmente parte de uma longa equação do lado de Raoul o gato. Parodied em uma tira de Calvin e de Hobbes. Calvin quase pânico quando solicitado a resolver um problema de aritmética no quadro-negro. Mas então ele se acalma e deliberadamente barra ao rabiscar símbolos aleatórios no tabuleiro até que o sino toca. Uma nota de segmento Seu em 43:28 no AMV Hell 4 para AMV Hell focado em um rastreamento lento em um quadro negro coberto com equações matemáticas em Neon Genesis Evangelion. No meio da peça, ouvimos o Kevin Spacey em Superman Returns WRONG, e como a música é trocada para Equivalências King Missile s, todos os erros na placa são apontados com marcador vermelho. Humorously, o segmento igualmente aponta que embora uma solução faça diversas coisas erradamente, termina acima na resposta direita de qualquer maneira. Em Sozinho Juntos. Depois que Kim fica preso em um universo alternativo habitado apenas por ela e Shego. Ela tenta fazer sentido de Drakkens notas e descobrir uma maneira de usar sua dimensão-hopping invenção para chegar em casa. No começo, tudo parece gibberish para ela (a descrição indica que muitos sigmas e sinais integrais estão envolvidos). No entanto, ela não descobrir isso eventualmente, o que implica que toda a sua ciência precisa (ou, pelo menos, exato Kim-Possível-universo ciência louca). Filmes 8212 Live-Action No Dia em que a Terra Parou (1951). Klaatu visita um cientista de destaque, mas o homem não está em casa. Klaatu faz uma adição a uma equação de cobertura de quadro-negro, depois deixa suas informações de contato com a governanta dos cientistas. A adição à equação era aparentemente a intenção de convencer o cientista a não escrever fora de seu chamador desconhecido como uma piada. Na escola da rocha. O personagem de Jack Black escreve Emc 2 na placa ao fingir ensinar às crianças algo. Jogado com um pouco em que ele é totalmente sem noção sobre o ensino e esta era presumivelmente a única fórmula vagamente matemática que ele poderia se lembrar, eo diretor da escola não bate uma pálpebra quando ela entra na sala, mesmo que as crianças são pré-adolescentes. Quando ele está realmente ensinando a classe o único assunto que ele conhece (rock, é claro) ele preenche o quadro com um diagrama complicado de bandas de rock. No remake 2000 de Bedazzled. De acordo com um quadro negro ao fundo, uma professora (Elizabeth Hurley) atribuiu a seus alunos para provar Fermats Last Theorem como lição de casa. É claro que a professora era de fato o diabo e todas essas cenas em meio aos desejos eram de que ela estivesse a ferrar intencionalmente a vida de outras pessoas. Um pequeno exemplo em Matilda. Onde os alunos do jardim de infância estão aprendendo as tabelas de multiplicação. A maioria dos professores de jardim de infância está feliz quando seus alunos podem adicionar números de um dígito. Isto é possivelmente justificado devido ao Sádico Principal. Senhorita Trunchbull. Justificado no fato Trunchbull é inglês, e as crianças de escola inglesas começam a educação formal mais cedo do que crianças americanas. Na Caça à Boa Vontade. O protagonista faz alguns Super Epic Hardcore Math que tinha anteriormente stumped até mesmo os professores. Acontece que foi uma das provas mais básicas da álgebra linear. Um homem sério tem uma seqüência ideal que caracteriza um quadro-negro implausibly grande coberto com bastante do material encher um livro. Além disso, Arthur tem um caderno que ele chama de Mentáculo que está cheio de equações e diagramas que aparentemente têm algo a ver com probabilidade. Filmes pornográficos que lidam com relações professor / aluno muitas vezes invocam este tropo em segundo plano em ambientes de sala de aula. Admitidamente para a idade da faculdade (ou seja, legal para ter sexo) alunos, Emc 2 é uma equação razoável para o curso. Às vezes, a pessoa só fica preguiçoso e simplesmente escreve 123 no quadro-negro que realmente começa a sua lógica de geladeira indo. Claro que você não deveria estar prestando atenção ao quadro-negro. Emc 2 abuso é jogado para risos em Young Einstein. Uma biografia fictícia que é deliberadamente errado em quase todos os sentidos. Sempre que um personagem lê em voz alta, eles o pronunciam emk. Em uma cena, Albert entra em uma aula em progresso, onde o professor está escrevendo E e uma confusão insanamente complexa de rabiscos cobrindo o resto do tabuleiro. Albert ajuda a limpar um espaço limpo e escreve um grande mc 2. Ele é fisicamente jogado fora da sala em resposta. Em Crianças no Salão: Brain Candy. Dr. Cooper é visto pela primeira vez a invenção da droga anti-depressão, terminando uma equação gigantesca no quadro-negro com HAPPY. Subvertido em Sherlock Holmes: Um Jogo de Sombras. Enquanto o quadro de Moriartys era coberto com símbolos matemáticos e fórmulas, os escritores consultaram com matemáticos reais para certificar-se de que fossem cientificamente precisos para o período de tempo. De acordo com um dos estudiosos envolvidos, o desenho original para o quadro-negro teria invocado este tropo como explicado aqui. Theres também um assentimento ao cânone de Holmes - Moriarty é dito ser conhecido para seu trabalho no teorema binomial, eo quadro-negro inclui o triângulo de Pascals, que é uma maneira de encontrar coeficientes binomiais. Em The Absent Minded Professor (o original), o professor eponymous tem uma equação gigante na lousa atrás dele. Este exemplo também contém um erro de sinal raro: ele percebe que um de seus desvios deve ser um plus. Isso eventualmente o leva à descoberta de flubber. Em Pacific Rim. O cientista alemão Gottlieb é mostrado escrevendo fórmulas difíceis em um enorme quadro negro. Na série de livros Sword Of The Galaxy, uma expressão algébrica simples pode ser usada pelos Trakkorianos para entrar no hiperespaço. Quando o autor recebeu queixas sobre este pedaço de Lógica de Refrigerador, ele recitou o MST3K Mantra. Jogado para risos no Maelstrom por Roger E. Moore (do ciclo de Cloakmaster) com gnomos do funileiro. Em homens nos braços. O sargento Detritus é bloqueado em um Freezer e sua inteligência é aumentada ao limite por ser congelada quase até a morte. Seus socorristas descobrem que ele escreveu na geada uma fórmula enorme e complicada que termina em um sinal ominoso igual, e nada no outro lado. Seus olhos estavam piscando quando eles o puxaram para fora, então presumivelmente o frio o superou antes que ele pudesse escrever a resposta. O Maelstrom por Roger E. Moore (ciclo de Cloakmaster) tem uma boa paródia do Emc 2 di-lo toda a versão. O nome dos tropes vem de um pastiche do Emc 2 que apareceu em uma cena de Farscape. The Peacekeeper Wars onde Harvey (que recebeu o nome de Not-So-Imaginary Friend do filme Harvey) escreve E MC Hammer em um quadro-negro de outros absurdos. Especialmente engraçado naquele Crichton, como um físico e um astronauta, saberia exatamente o que Emc 2 significa realmente, e Harvey é provável apenas dicking ao redor. A mesma equação exata foi dita em voz alta por Dina no sitcom Nickelodeon Salute Your Shorts. Durante uma cena destinada a divertir-se do crescimento e atividades de aprendizagem acontecendo durante sua experiência de acampamento. No episódio de NCIS, Red Cell, Abby e McGee discutem se um conjunto de equações é homologia ou cohomologia. Mas os símbolos de operador são diferentes nestes dois conceitos, e o que são subscritos em homologia são sobrescritos em cohomology. Ninguém com educação suficiente (como Abby e McGee) pode confundir um para o outro. No episódio Covert Affairs Walters Walk, Auggie se refere a uma seqüência de números como sendo uma permutação cíclica complexa. Mas uma permutação é um rearranjo das coisas, não uma seqüência. Além disso, as permutações cíclicas são as mais simples de todas as permutações, e falar sobre elas sendo complexas não faz sentido. Todo mundo também se mistura complicado e complexo. Complexo significa ter várias partes, complicado significa enigmático. Em um episódio de Torchwood. Uma equação integral foi usada para abrir a fenda que levou Jack e Tosh ao passado. Não parecia muito realista, embora pelo menos tivesse variáveis de integração. Doutor Quem . O episódio The Impossible Planet tem equações de Maxwells de campos elétricos e magnéticos como graffiti sobre uma mesa na cafeteria. Em The Three Doctors, depois de passar pelo buraco negro, o físico Dr. Tyler escreve a famosa equação na areia. Justificado, também tentando entender o fato de que ele apenas viajou à velocidade da luz. Uma das formas de Gallifreyan (a linguagem Time Lords) parece ser esta, especificamente Old High Gallifreyan. Na Série 8 da nova série, em particular, o Duodécimo Doutor mostra uma afinidade para a escrita de equações e diagramas (entre outras coisas) em quadros. No episódio piloto de Sliders. O personagem principal deixa seu quadro negro coberto de equações, não sabendo o que escrever após o sinal de igualdade. Quando ele volta, seu duplo o resolveu, ea expressão que ele escreveu tem um símbolo infinito no denominador. Está certo. Ele só precisava dividir pelo infinito. Um dos clipes no Star Trek: Enterprise opener mostra uma imagem em preto e branco de um cientista escrevendo equações complexas em um quadro negro. Parece muito extravagante até o erro matemático flagrante. Em seu arremesso original para Star Trek. Gene Roddenberry queria usar a equação de Drake para demonstrar quão provável era casar com aliens. Infelizmente, ele não conseguia se lembrar da equação de Drake, então ele simplesmente inventou algo (incluindo duas variáveis sendo aumentadas para a primeira potência). No Star Trek: Voyager episódio Futures End Rain Robinsons estação de trabalho tem duas equações na parede. O episódio original da série Court-Martial refere-se a amplificar o som de um batimento cardíaco por um fator de um para a quarta potência. Que é um. Significando nenhuma amplificação (ou atenuação) em tudo. Em Lost Seasons 4 amp 5 você começa tanto Daniel Faraday (4) amp sua mãe (5) apenas constantemente escrevendo jibberish no quadro-negro ao conduzir experimentos. Terrivelmente, o DVD mostra que um verdadeiro professor de Física escreveu esse jargão para eles. Um esboço na série 1 episódio 3 de A Bit of Fry e Laurie envolve um blooper hilariante de um programa da Universidade Aberta dos anos 1970, em que Hugh Lauries apresentador nos fala através de um quadro-negro cheio de absurdo integral-como equações. O que é mais, o flub envolve a equação dando uma quantidade modular resultante de 0,567395, ao invés de 0,567359 como estados de caráter Lauries, quando a integral em questão não tem limites e não teria uma solução numérica, para não mencionar que o programa parece ser uma física Uma conferência sobre teoria das ondas, que não envolveria números que precisem como soluções de qualquer maneira. Hmm, venha pensar nisso, isso é um blooper hilariante em si mesmo Eu não acredito Ha Ha ha ha Em um Imagine Spot. Todo mundo odeia Chris tem uma exigência do professor sadista para saber, não dando nenhum contexto, o que é um 2 plus b 2.. A resposta correta é aparentemente c 2. Em outras palavras, o protagonista internalizou a expressão mais comum do teorema de Pitágoras, mas sem a menor idéia do que realmente significa. NUMB3RS recebe muito crédito por ter equações de matemática corretas (sintaticamente) e relevantes (no contexto do episódio). Geralmente, ele faz 8212 quando as equações são exibidas em primeiro plano. Sempre que vemos uma das animações extravagantes, enquanto Charlie explica alguma coisa, no entanto, esperar pelo menos metade da matemática em segundo plano para ser aleatório e irrelevante. Chega ao ponto em que mesmo as pessoas que não sabem nada sobre matemática devem ser capazes de descobrir que as equações são sem sentido, porque aparecem mesmo quando a explicação que Charlie está dando não é matemática na natureza (como a infame IRC explicação, que se duplica como Sendo totalmente impreciso). Spoofed em um episódio de Mythbusters. Grant esboçou uma fórmula matemática complexa mas válida no lado de um veículo de teste. Depois que Grant terminou os cálculos e anunciou o resultado, esta troca ocorreu: Rimmer faz isso para si mesmo em Red Dwarf quando ele cobre os braços e pernas em equações astrofísicas que estão além de sua capacidade de entender para trapacear em um teste que ele claramente não está qualificado para Pass. Rimmer: Certo, theyre obrigado a perguntar a coxa direita, que é de 10 por cento. Eles devem pedir a coxa esquerda, que é de 20 por cento. Eles precisam perguntar a um dos antebraços. O que significa Ive passou já qualquer coisa na esquerda shins um direito de bônus. Olha para um braço CUTIE. Corrente sob tensão é. O que é isso Corrente sob tensão é igual Corrente sob tensão é dispensável Corrente sob tensão é caro O que isso significa Começa a entrar em pânico O que significa isso significa Ive cobriu meu corpo em completo e absoluto e absurdo total absurdo gibberish In Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters de Beverly Hills episódio O espião, preto e Nerdy Swinton termina uma piada com um E MC Hammer. Em Que 70s Show. Erics pais ver caber para verificar que hes não negligenciar a escola, então Red pergunta severamente, O que é X. Eric apenas olha para ele, então, muito educadamente explica que é uma variável que pode representar um determinado número. Os pais acham que parece certo, mas nenhum deles realmente sabe o que eles estavam esperando resposta. Mariah Carey foi tão longe a ponto de nomear seu mais recente álbum EMC 2. Ela alega que representa Emancipação () iguala (MC) Mariah Carey ao segundo poder. Okay, certo. Veja o Quantum Mariah Carey Problem para mais discussões. Subvertido e literal: Doutor Steel ataca a seqüência de Fibonacci. Big Audio Dynamite incluiu uma música chamada EMC 2 em seu primeiro álbum. Note seu um título não-aparecendo e um bônus do gênio. A canção é sobre os filmes de Nicolas Roeg e as referências de título a aparência de Einstein como um personagem em insignificância EMC 2 aparece no quadro-negro Schoolmasters na arte gatefold de Pink Floyd s The Wall. A banda de rock britânica Pulled Apart By Horses tem uma música chamada EMC Hammer. É muito bom. MC Hawking. A pouco conhecida carreira de gangsta-rap do famoso físico. Al estranho Yankovic. O vídeo Branco e Nerdy. Só para mostrar como Alfred é inteligente. Ironicamente, ele contém um erro. Infelizmente, na canção Pancreas, ele recebe a equação de Newtons para a força gravitacional entre duas massas erradas. Para rastrear quais ingredientes são necessários no pinball da Ilha Gilligans para fazer o Selcão do Vulcão, a fórmula Professors é mostrada iconicamente no playfield, com disparates como. Concha / - (misture bem e adicione) corda - (cabeça encolhida lt ovos de tartaruga) / banana. Os primeiros níveis de Super Paper Mario apresentam equações de piada ao fundo, composta de números aleatórios e símbolos matemáticos combinados com ícones famosos de Mario, como a Fire Flower e os cogumelos. Em EarthBound. O doutor Andonuts tem um quadro grande em seu laboratório com nada escrito nele mas um grande Emc 2. Half-Life tem uma série de quadros-negros adornados com equação de Newtons para a gravidade. Isso é como Ernest Hemingway tentando vir a lidar com Hop on Pop. Isto é lampshaded e explodido aos bocados na mente de Freemans. No Portal 2. Há cartazes em torno dessa lista de paradoxos no caso de um AI desonesto. Um dos paradoxos listados é um conjunto de todos os conjuntos contém-se nota Esta é claramente baseada em Russells Paradox: Será que um conjunto de todos os conjuntos que não contêm-se conter-se A forma como o seu escrito, no entanto, é um nonstarter. O conjunto de Russells Paradox é um subconjunto desse conjunto e, portanto, o conjunto descrito não é um conjunto. Note Embora ele realmente funciona como uma versão do Lado Paradox. O patch de regra óbvia para Russells Paradox é que um conjunto não pode conter-se. Assim, o conjunto de todos os conjuntos não se contém, e não é o conjunto de todos os conjuntos. Sabendo o dev equipas senso de humor, pode ser deliberada. Enquanto quadros em Team Fortress 2 desporto equações reais (incluindo a equação ridiculamente complicada que eles usam para renderizar luzes de borda), também ostenta equações como FIRE QQ. O mundo termina com você s Mad Matemático Sho Minamimoto não só fala em matemática. Ele a usa como sua Mágica Fórmula e o encantamento de um Flare de Nível i. Parodied em Donkey Kong País 2: Diddys Kong Quest. Em onde um quadro no Kong Kollege lê 9divide36, 8times19, e 425 sob o título Exame. A piada, é claro, é que os Kremlings que frequentam a escola são idiotas. Esta faixa xkcd inclui um integral sem uma variável de integração, como parte de uma equação claramente errada 8212, mas neste caso o erro é parte integrante do punchline. A variável de integração é óbvia, uma vez que há apenas uma variável a questão maior é de alguma forma obter uma constante fora de uma integral indefinida (isso só aconteceria se você absurdamente integrado zero, e mesmo assim você wouldnt obter uma constante específica porque a derivada de qualquer Constante é zero). Mas isso também é parte da piada, eo Texto Alt leva mais longe: Seu pi mais C, é claro. Uma variante mais elaborada aparece neste desenho animado por Tom Tomorrow. Em vez de símbolos numéricos sem sentido, é uma prova inválida que envolve a divisão por zero, talvez para complementar o raciocínio falso dos cientistas. A invalidez da prova é provavelmente intencional, mas ainda parece ser copiado de uma fonte on-line por alguém que não entende a notação matemática. Ele escreve a2 em vez de um 2 (a notação anterior é um substituto que só é usado quando as restrições técnicas tornam impossível escrever o último, o que não é o caso dos quadros-negros). Em dois pedaços. Eben é ocasionalmente mostrado contemplando equações antes de Snooch interromper com sua mais recente insanidade. Em pelo menos uma instância, os leitores enviaram correções para a matemática exibida. Embora o sábado manhã café da manhã Cereal é geralmente muito bom sobre este tipo de coisa, esta faixa apresenta um exemplo justificado - os designers estão nevando o seu público. Em Lovecraft está faltando. Os personagens preencher quadros negros traduzindo a conceitos matemáticos, tanto composição musical e as obras de H. P. Lovecraft - aparentemente o velho Howard escondeu alguns feitiços em contos. Ao traduzir, theres algo de um exemplo de algo que poderia ser Misplaced um ponto decimal ou carreg o um. Aw, agora que não faz nenhum sentido do kinda. Espere um minuto. Sim. Eu estava completamente errado. Eu pensei que eu fiz um misake quando eu hadnt. Um dos trolls da infâmia de Homestuck leva sua insistência obstinada em que a magia não é real e como tudo pode ser explicado pela ciência, a ponto de que é difícil dizer o que ele quer dizer pela ciência, eventualmente se torna um feiticeiro da esperança E luz, começa em um duelo mágico com sua varinha da ciência, e como seu oponente batalha com as luzes mágicas que voam perto no fundo, seu fim do duelo tem pouco EMC 2 s em um papel similar. (Vale a pena notar que o autor, Andrew Hussie, na verdade tem um conhecimento extenso da física do mundo real e ele usa-o em suas histórias quando ele sente como ele. Se Eridan é um homem de palha para qualquer coisa, não é o uso do Método científico ou qualquer coisa.) Em Everyday Heroes. Quando se discute o valor de Summer e Carrie trabalhando para Ben Sharpley, o quadro-negro é coberto com siglas e equações relacionadas à economia. O cartão do título para o vídeo do jogo irritado videogame cronologicamente confundido caracteriza o lerdo na frente de uma placa enchida com as equações nonsensical e as fórmulas, including em pontos um Triforce e um desenho de Mario. E é igual a MC Hawking. Esta entrada FailBlog tenta mostrar equação Einsteins mas, bem, falhar. Fan-Art para o Universo Whateley. Hot Scientist Bugs, que é um genial deviser com um fascínio com formas de ovo: aqui. Episódio 1 de Echo Câmara tem Tom e Dana (e possivelmente Zack) tentando descobrir como mostrar um Show Within a Show e cobrindo um quadro-negro completo com idéias, incluindo fórmulas químicas e matemáticas sem sentido que têm pouco a ver com. Qualquer coisa que eles estão tentando discutir. O blog Blackboards in Porn é dedicado a apontar exemplos deste tropo na pornografia. Em um trailer para cada filme vencedor do Oscar. Uma paródia dos filmes de Oscar Bait, o quadro de Inspirationally Disadvantaged Guys está cheio de scribblings matemáticos, e uma variante de inglês Lit aparece no quadro-negro na sala de aula de adolescentes latino-americanos. Manatee Girl O filme tem ciência na placa por trás Hunky Marine Biologist Boyfriend. A ciência em questão envolve uma imagem de um peixe grosseiramente desenhado sendo adicionado aos números e EC igual a MC quadrado aleatoriamente no lado. O vídeo de animação flash de Weird Al Yankovic s Tudo que você sabe é errado inclui uma série de fórmulas matemáticas que começam corretamente e crescer mais wackier até Bob Esponja Squarepants geralmente tem Sandy SpongeBob mostrar algumas equações. O Fairly OddParents fez isso também. Às vezes justificado, uma vez que o professor que aparece na maioria das vezes acredita que a matemática não significa nada em um universo onde existem fadas. Sr. Crocker: Uma fada poderia fazer dois mais dois iguais. FIIIIISH. Abusado pelo laboratório de Dexters. Professor Utoniums laboratório em The Powerpuff Girls. E Pokey Oaks Jardim de Infância. Em um episódio, a Sra. Keane começa com 1 1 2, em seguida, passa a dar uma descrição teórica da viagem no tempo. Fillmore tem um episódio em torno de um teste de matemática. Quando a professora dá a sua classe uma tarefa, ela lê: 2x5, x-y 16, -2x-y-14, 2x4y12, -2x 5y5. Ela pede-lhes para resolver tanto xey, e diz-lhes para passar o resto da aula fazendo isso. Esta quantidade de tempo faria sentido, como é realmente impossível o valor de xey mudanças nessas equações de um exemplo para o próximo. E o pior, a moral da história é que o valor de x permanece constante. Arghh A introdução de Pinky e do cérebro tem uma cena onde o cérebro está escrevendo sua teoria de tudo em um quadro-negro, que é basicamente um monte de pseudo-matemática mumbo-jumbo, incluindo THX1138. Spoofed em outro episódio que tem Cérebro revelar que seu mais recente plano para assumir o mundo foi articulado em uma equação que ele tinha acabado de descobrir. Pinky askes him if it is something complicated like Emc 2. and Brain replies that it is in fact even simpler, just E. Monkey Dust has a chalkboard full of geometry in a class teaching cottaging (For non-UK readers, thats anonymous gay sex in public bathrooms). True to the title of this trope, the board also contains rundmc. The Simpsons is fond of this one. When Homer has a bright idea, the camera would occasionally do a close-up of his head, revealing two chimpanzees in graduation gowns and mortarboards writing Emc 2 on a chalkboard. Otherwise, the chimps would be grooming each other and eating the lice. Parodied when Homer is an inventor. During a montage, hes shown writing equations on a blackboard. After hes done, the camera moves to shot of the house8212where theres a massive explosion. Cut back to Homer: who examines his equation and crosses out the offending section, a drawing of a stick of dynamite, which he then replaces with something else. This results in another, bigger explosion. Also done in Phineas and Ferb . The boys finally solved it by replacing the bomb with a smiley face. And subverted in another episode: Homer puts on some Nerd Glasses he finds in the power plants toilets and immediately recites what he seems to think is the Pythagorean Theorem (hes actually quoting The Wizard of Oz movie):Homer . The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isoceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side Co-worker in a stall . Thats a right triangle, yidiot Homer . Doh Note that the co-workers correction is nowhere near complete, becase the formula refers to the squares, nor the square roots, and the remaining side has to be the hypotenuse. But that wouldnt be as funny. Variation, in the episode in which the Simpsons discover the third dimension, PNP can be read in the 3d-CGI world. Also parodied in Moneybart:Nelson . Lisas a genius She can do the kind of math that has letters Watch: what does X equal, Lisa Lisa . Well, that depends. Nelson . She could do it yesterday, I swear The board in Arthur s class would often be filled with formulas like the Pythagorean theorem or simple derivatives, even though the characters are respectively three and six years too young for them. Apparently, this is part of Mr. Ratburns Sadist Teacher reputation. In Rockos Modern Life in an episode where Rocko keeps being late for work. While he gets berated for it by his boss, theres a flipchart in the background that contains, amongst other things, a clipart of a clock followed by a plus-minus sign and a square root containing MC and a clipart of a hammer. In Code Lyoko . the same board (yaxb) is used for every science course. Including one about parthenogenesis. In Robot Chicken . they parody this trope in a sketch. Where two scientists are laughing their heads off to a bizarre problem on the board, only for one of them to stop, erase a symbol, add another, and then both burst out laughing again. One episode of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh centered on Gopher s equation for the ultimate tunnel. How and why the layout for a tunnel took the form of a chalkboard full of mathematical-looking scrawlings was never explained. Happens in Youre In Love Charlie Brown where Charlie Brown, when called to solve a relatively simple math problem, ends up filling half the chalkboard with nonsensical geometry formulas, wanting to impress the Little Red-Headed Girl. When the teacher asks him what the hell hes doing, snapping him out of his trance, he sheepishly admits he has no idea. Even childrens math workbooks have this problem. Some of them that go from K-12 will have the same picture with pi, percents, and algebra symbols on every book regardless of if it is a 11th grade (age 16-17) or 3rd grade (age 8-9) book. This extends even to the university level. The cover of late-undergraduate/early-graduate level Introduction to Lie Algebras from the Springer series is adorned with many generic calculus and linear algebra equations not particularly related to the topic at hand. Subverted in that the equations, while complicated and arguably pretty, should not be mysterious to anyone capable of understanding the contents of the book. Speaking about Truth in Television - imagine what goes on when TV people come and ask for some formulas as a background for an interview with someone related to maths/physics education (and their request is granted just to please them). There is a joke proof that has been around for decades that attempts to use simple algebra to prove if ab then 12 . The problem with the proof is that, at one point, both sides of the equation are divided by (a-b) since this is zero, this can be used as an example proof of why you cant Divide by Zero. The Other Wiki has a page full of similar spurious proofs . Exceptions Clausius-Clapeyron and the derivation via the Maxwell relations is extremely common, usually as Mad Science. Its easy to copy verbatim, and looks scary because its an important equation in Thermodynamics and requires high level chemistry, physics and mathematics to understand. Anime amp Manga The opening credits of The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya feature a number of diagrams and equations, including the obligatory Emc 2. the Drake Equation and Shannons source entropy formula, appropriately enough (as well as plenty most people have never heard of ). In Snow Mountain Syndrome of the later novels, though, solving an instance of Eulers planar graph formula becomes a matter of great importance, so this is to be expected. That and the guy that writes the Light Novel likes math. In a chapter of Pluto by Naoki Urasawa. we see Atom to write on a wall a huge quantity of equations. While they are probably correct (the notation is correct, for instance and any single expression makes sense), it is not probable that they are the formula of the anti-proton bomb . some are mathematical definitions, or Fourier tranforms, other appears to be basic equations of quantum physics, but surely not a project of bomb. Subverted in a Crowning Moment of Awesome in Tobaku Datenroku Zero . Near the end of a psychotic quiz game in which a super-sharp pendulum is lowered when the answer is wrong, Ukai Zero is answering a trivia question about the period of a pendulum. Hes shown to be under pressure, thinking up a bunch of random equations which have nothing to do with the relevant speeds of rotation. And he gets the question wrong. However, it turns out that all those equations were him using the measurements of his body parts to ascertain that, with his next incorrect answer, the anchor would crash into the block his head was resting on, effectively winning the game. The MC was not happy. Not actually an equation, but the blackboard in computer science class in Serial Experiments Lain shows an entirely plausible and workable (partial) code for a Conways Game of Life implementation. Its a bit too straightforward and not very efficient, but then, it is a teaching example. Whats interesting here is that the code is written in Common Lisp 8212 a somewhat obscure programming language, but one with a long history of an intellectual superiority. Which is entirely in tune with the shows Viewers Are Geniuses approach. One strip of the newspaper comic FoxTrot has Insufferable Genius Jason Fox, a ten-year-old, solving a simple division problem on his class chalkboard. He rewrites the equation in about a dozen different ways, many of which would require knowledge of trigonometry or calculus to understand. Given that the cartoonist Bill Amend majored in physics in college, all of them are correct. Another strip has Jason serving as Paiges math tutor and the latter asking him what is the cosine of 60 degrees. Jason then starts rattling off a really long sum and only stops when Paige reminds him shes not paying him by the hour. Said sum is the actual Taylor series expansion of the cosine meaning of course he could continue going forever. The answer she was looking for is 0.5. Yet another strip has Jason presenting Paige with an alphanumeric cipher with a twist: the key is comprised of 26 math problems . one for each letter of the alphabet. One of the clues involves integral calculus (but of course its for Q, which doesnt get used much). The answer is PAIGE FOX IS BAD AT MATH. And another strip shows Jason doing a problem in class where he has to calculate the area of a farm enclosed by a fence of some length and width. Naturally, he draws out a coordinate plane for the farm and does an integration to find the area under the curve. Thats definitely the method you all would choose, right Then theres the strip showing Peter holding several sheets of paper covered in equations, and a diagram of a catapult. The purpose Allow Jason and Marcus to fly into Paiges room with squirt guns. Peter: From such smarts, such stupidity. Films 8212 Live-Action A very common mockery thrown at the movie A Beautiful Mind is that in promo posters for the movie, Russell Crowe as John Nash is sitting making a thinking face behind a glass wall covered in equations. Right on his forehead is the statement 0 lt pi lt 1. Geeks had a lot of fun mocking the apparent total lack of understanding of math in Hollywood and coming up for ways this statement might be justified (often speculating on the shape of Russell Crowes penis). In reality, there was a perfectly good explanation, in fact: The math consultant for the movie had been asked to help prepare the shoot for this poster by covering the glass wall with impressive-looking equations, and for authenticitys sake had done so using real equations from the real John Nashs papers. John Nash was a game theorist, and he had written a paper involving an imaginary game with 24 players. Since there are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet, he playfully decided to name the imaginary players after Greek letters. The 0 lt pi lt 1 statement comes from a portion of the paper describing an imaginary situation involving placement of turn order within the game. Notice that Nash was specifically doing this in order to undermine mathematicians insistence on using symbols to mean just one thing. Also note that symbols such as pi have by now been used in pretty much every subject of math and physics. Often in quantum field theory textbooks, for example, there are equations with pi taken to mean momentum density expressed as a formula that includes pi (the number). Surprisingly, people are never confused. The context is sufficient to eliminate any doubt 8212 which is exactly why viewers of A Beautiful Mind were confused: the statement was presented without a context. Robert A. Heinlein was meticulous about everything he ever wrote about. While much of his work has been victim to Science Marches On. he would often spend whole chapters explaining why something does or doesnt work in his future technologies. One of his most mindboggling and in depth explanations (for a layman) was the short story And He Built a Crooked House . where he actively explains how to create a tesseract house in four dimensions. He mentions in his non-fiction writing that when he was doing his earliest juvenile novels - mostly wham-bang space opera involving teenage boys fighting Nazis on the Moon and such - he and his wife Virginia still made complete orbital calculations for the spacecraft, working longhand on rolls of butchers paper. He did make some errors in the end: In Starman Jones . he mentions that one planet had a moon, thereby making it possible to measure the planets mass. He forgot that the spacecraft itself would serve (as the equivalent of the moon) to measure the mass. Furthermore, measuring the mass of any planet would be an essential part of traveling through the star system. Considering that the show NUMB3RS has, well, numbers as its unique gimmick, it would be pretty insulting if this were the case. They keep a mathematician on staff who writes all of the equations seen. For the physics class scenes in 3rd Rock from the Sun . much of Dicks dialogue was written by Elegant Universe author Dr. Brian Greene. An episode of Stargate SG-1 had Major Carter guest-lecturing Air Force cadets on a multiple-universe theory, in front of the chalk board full of formulae version of this trope. According to the episodes commentary, the mathematics on the board were real. Carter made an original mistake as well 8212 she accidentally inverted one of the ratios. Only time in the entire series she screws up math. A cadet actually walks up and stares at the board before pointing out the mistake, only to be chastised by the professor for correcting a scholar. Carter then re-examines the problem and also sees the mistake, noting that it completely changes the problem. She is then very interested in the cadet for being smart enough to spot it. University of Oklahoma chemistry professor Donna Nelson serves as the science consultant for Breaking Bad . so the chemistry Walter teaches his high school class is accurate. They intentionally change some of the steps for making methamphetamine so that viewers dont learn how to make meth from the show, and change the color of the meth in order to make it more visually interesting. A whiteboard in the opening scene of Half-Life has the formula for gravity written on it. This is in a lab that works in theoretical physics. Ross Scott makes fun of this in his Freemans Mind machinima. Having trouble remembering that one, guys On a similar note, in Portal 2 s cooperative mode, some whiteboards have Fourier transforms written on them. This would be quite useful for a lab that screws with physics as much as Aperture does. And early in the single-player game, a wall in one of Ratmans Rooms Full of Crazy shows a cat jumping (or perhaps tunneling ) out of a box, along with various Quantum Physics equations, a reference to the Schrdingers Cat thought experiment that was played with in the tie-in Lab Rat comic. One splash screen in the bodychecking hoverboarders game Pararena has the quite relevant F ma hidden upside-down in the corner. This strip of Irregular Webcomic . Also, for the most part, any xkcd strip will be extremely accurate. Schlock Mercenary . being hard sci-fi, routinely dissects and discusses the sorts of physics involved in space travel. The writer encourages readers to check his work. and occasionally posts problems for the readers to solve themselves. such as the space elevator between Earth and the Moon. In Sinfest . literally . (Its kinda like science) The opening animation and title screen of Game Theory features a complicated equation that somehow involves Mario jumping over a Goomba. Futurama . In the first season episode Mars University Fry signs up for the Professors course, entitled The Mathematics of Quantum Neutrino Fields which Fry mishears as Wonton Burrito Meals. When Fry finally turns up to the class he finds the Professor teaching complete nonsense, using an illustration named Wittens Dog to explain why electrons taste like grapeade (a parody of Schroumldingers cat ). This is especially amusing when you consider that earlier in the episode the Professor himself refers to genetic engineering as preposterous science-fiction mumbo-jumbo. The Professor also claimed that the name itself was an EMC Hammer he just made up some imposing-sounding nonsense so that no one would take his class, because hes a professor and doesnt know how to teach, and indeed Frys motivation for taking the course is apparently because Professor Farnsworth is teaching it. Bender has a box of P and a box of nP in his closet. When Bender first meets Flexo, they find it greatly amusing that both of them have serial numbers expressible as a sum of two cubes, an allusion to the Hardy-Ramanujan number . In one episode, Bender is terrified when the number 666 mysteriously appears on the wall. in binary. But since its written backwards, not until he sees it in a mirror. Bender also freaks out over a dream where he thought he saw the number 2. Fortunately, Fry is right there to reassure Bender theres no such thing as 2. Loews Aleph-naught-Plex One of the most awesome(ly geeky) parts of the entire series is a half hour extra on the first movies dvd, where the writing crew bring in a mathematician to explain some of the math jokes in the series to the viewer. In the new episode where Bender replicates into grey goo, the professor puts up an equation for the total mass of the Benders as the successive generations replicate, and all the employees (except Fry, of course) understand it and gasp because it doesnt converge. Being Futurama, this equation actually IS a mathematical representation of the infinite series at hand, which grows indefinitely rather than converges. The PJs actually used the trope title in-context. When Thurgood is attempting to prepare to go back to school, a neighbor helps him catch up on his science. The neighbor writes EMC on the board, and Thurgood subsequently writes in Hammer. After a second attempt, he writes in Nuggets (geddit) In the Teen Titans episode Stranded, when Cyborg is explaining to Beast Boy how to fix the crashed T-ship a string of mathematical symbols emerges from his mouth 8212 the point being that Beast Boy does not understand science. But the symbols themselves are in fact a mathematically accurate series expansion. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic . The blackboard 9674 in Cheerilees classroom features an equation that, while meaningless, resembles those seen in an undergraduate-level course on electromagnetics. Odd, considering that everything else points to the students being more like elementary school kids. A relatively good approximation of a Newtonian description of orbital mechanics appear on Cheerilees chalkboard as well. In Its About Time, Twilight writes the formulae for time dilation on her blackboard (well, mostly she crashes and burns computing the integral, but at least theyre valid mathematical expressions). Keep in mind that at that point, Twilight still hadnt figured out how it worked yet. In Slice of Life, Doctor is asked to compete in a bowling tournament in return for getting a suit fixed. He glances at the pins and the screen is filled with equations, all of which are completely relevant to the task at hand. 9674 On Animaniacs . Einstein is inspired when Yakko, Wakko and Dot sing the ACME Song and Wakko writes it backwards, with the a resembling a 2, resulting in Emc2. Al merely added an between the E and m. Earlier in the same episode, the board was filled with calculations that Einstein had given up on in frustration. one of them being H 2 OWET. In the Regular Show episode Video 101, Eileen is seen solving a complex-looking problem in advanced calculus. The problem is a triple integral that converts from cartesian coordinates to cylindrical coordinates, exactly the kind of problem youd see in a Calculus III class. Inverted by Rick and Morty . where every time we see Mortys math problems (Morty is a high schooler), they appear to be basic single-digit addition and subtraction problems. Nobel Prize winning physicist Leon Lederman speculated in The God Particle that physicists in trouble could write the number 137 on a sign and expect other physicists to come to their assistance. The reason: 137 is (very close to) the reciprocal of alpha, the fine structure constant, and one of the most arbitrary-seeming constants in physics. note This is because alpha is dimensionless which means it comes out the same no matter which units of measure you use. A simple example is the ratio between the electrical charge of an electron and that of a down-quark, which is exactly 3:1 no matter which units you use for measuring charge. Similarly, alpha is the square of the ratio between the charge of an electron and the Planck charge (which is a property of free space). However, whereas it is easy to assume that there is some simple mathematical reason for the ratio 3:1 8212 even without knowing what that reason is 8212 it is appreciably harder to imagine how the pure mathematical structure of the Theory-Of-Everything could force 1/alpha to be exactly 137-and-a-bit. Many have lost their way trying to prove it was exactly 137 before it was measured more accurately. Alternative Title(s): Radicals Are Radical. E Equals MC EscherSeries / Lab Rats When 14 year old Leo (Tyrel Jackson Williams) moves in with his new step dad, Donald Davenport (Hal Sparks), he snoops around Donalds mansion and discovers Adam (Spencer Boldman), Bree (Kelli Berglund), and Chase (Billy Unger) 8212 three bionic siblings (each equipped with hi-tech apps) living in a lab beneath the house. An unlikely friendship develops as he sneaks them out to school for their first taste of freedom while they help him to become the most popular kid in school. But when their bionic glitches go off, things get chaotic very quickly Ever since Lab Rats premiered, it has been Disney XDs top-rated live-action series. For its fourth season, the series underwent a Retool with the main cast now mentoring other bionic teens at Davenport Bionic Academy, an artificial island (also earning it the new subtitle Bionic Island ). The series ran for four seasons from 2012 to 2016 with its final episode, the two parter The Vanishing . having aired on February 3, 2016. Before then in September 2015, it was announced that both Lab Rats and Mighty Med will be replaced by a permanent crossover series called Lab Rats: Elite Force . set to air in March 2, 2016. Though only Chase, Bree, and Donald have been confirmed to be returning. Lab Rats exhibits these tropes: Absentee Actor. While Leo and the titular trio have had perfect attendance so far, Donald is absent from many episodes, such as Death Spiral Smackdown . Air Leo and Spikes Got Talent . However, he is sometimes mentioned in these episodes because of his inventions. Abusive Parent. Donald shows this a bit The Lab Rats Strike Back, But the real winner is his brother. Douglas attempted to turn his biological kids into weapons and didnt seem at all sad when he revealed that Marcus life expectancy (as an android) is 16. On the other hand, Douglas wanted to hold family game nights with the kids, to at least show hes not a total monster . Donald was this to Adam, Bree and Chase before Leo met them, but unintentionally. He didnt exactly treat them badly, he just didnt let them go out because he was afraid (with a good reason) they wouldnt be able to control their powers or emotions. Also, as he puts it, he was so busy training their superhuman side he completely forgot their human side. An Aesop. Bob Zombie gives an important lesson on how one shouldnt change people just to make them better, but rather, its better to accept them, because they are special in their own way. A. I. Is a Crapshoot. Surprisingly averted. Eddy is a pain in the butt but for the most part glitch-free (or is he, really ), while the AI in Donalds car in Speed Trapped only went awry because of Marcus. Robo Perry in Perry 2.0, in her default mode, which is search and destroy. Alliterative Name. Donald Davenport. Also, the high school mascot, Dewey Dingo. Alphabetical Theme Naming. A dam, B ree, C hase, D onald and E ddie. Turns out this was invoked by Douglas for all his kids8212 A dam, B ree, C hase, and D aniel . All Your Base Are Belong to Us. Toyed with in the webisode series Who Is Marcus All Your Powers Combined. Marcus has the all the Lab Rats abilities and more. Amazingly Embarrassing Parent. Tasha plays this in Trucked Out. Even Donald is not well-versed in teenage culture. Ambiguously Brown. Janelle. And the Adventure Continues. After Giselle and Marcus were defeated, the Lab Rats and Bionic Soldiers chips were restored. However, with the soldiers now at expert level, it was time to prepare them for their next chapter that there was no need for the mentors anymore, causing Adam and Leo to stay at the academy and oversee the transition. Davenport is set to create a new team, which Chase and Bree join, leading them to their new adventure in Lab Rats: Elite Force . Angrish. Donald in the pilot, when he goes to retrieve the kids. So - how was school GET IN THE HELICOPTER Animal Eye Spy. played with the mechanical flies. Apocalyptic Log. Leo finds out that Donald has made one for the Rats that will activate in event of a real emergency. Applied Phlebotinum. Some of Donalds inventions have explanations that involve something like this, but throwing in scientific terms to make them sound plausible. A Minor Kidroduction. There is a flashback in the pilot of a much younger Adam, Bree and Chase, all showcasing their powers. Archnemesis Dad. The Lab Rats real father, Douglas Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking. In Avalanche . Chases line mocking Douglas. Chase: So, whats on your agenda for the day Build some bombs, take over a tiny country, steal money from old ladies Leo: The only things that motivates that woman (Principal Perry) are revenge, rage and kitty calendars. Artificial Human. Marcus is an android. Authority Equals Asskicking. Principal Perry. Badass. Chase in his commando mode, better known as Spike. Douglas Davenport is pretty badass too. Badass Bookworm. Chase. In Quarantined . Donald showed that he also has some serious fighting skills - which were actually foreshadowed in Bionic Birthday Fail . Badass Family. The Lab Rats are bionic, but Donald and his brother are experts at combat. The Perrys themselves also qualify. Bad Bad Acting. Leo and Adam in Leos Jam. Barrier Warrior. Chase. Beach Episode. Downplayed in Dude, Wheres My Lab Most of the episode takes place off the beach, and they all wear light summer clothes. Berserk Button. In Crush, Chop and Burn . the Lab Rats can get very upset if they are called robots. Beware the Silly Ones. Douglas is one sick puppy. Big Bad. Principal Perry, sort of, as she is the most recurring antagonist. Douglas Davenport has taken over this position in Season Two (as of Bionic Showdown ), reducing Principal Perry to being The Heavy . Victor Krane usurps the position from Douglas in Season 3. Sebastian, aka S-3 from Kranes bionic army. was the Arc Villain from the Season 3 finale until the Season 4 premiere. Victor Krane still has a strong influence in Season 4, but it seems Giselle has taken this role, and intends to bring back Marcus . The Incapacitator in Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med . Dr. Gao in Space Colony . Big Brother Instinct. Adam. Its never explicitly stated, but when they are in danger Adam does try to shield Bree or Chase. He also unlocks his hidden ability when Leo is in danger. Sure, he punches Chase all the time, but he has his own way of expressing it. Big Good. The President. Bizarre and Improbable Golf Game. Spoofed in Hole In One. While Principal Perrys golf course is an example of this, Chase uses his telekinesis to move the ball to the hole. Black and Nerdy. Leo. Bland-Name Product. ePods and ePhones. Both Sides Have a Point. In Three Minus Bree . Bree just wanted some freedom from her bionic life and felt Donald was taking so much away from her life. While she does have a legitimate argument about taking the lead on her own life, Daonald is also right in reminding her that she has responsibilities as a member of the team, even if it means forsaking other opportunities. By destroying her chip, Bree did take her point too far, to the extent that it leaned towards selfishness. Brainwashed and Crazy. Douglas manages to install an app into Adam, Bree, and Chase that lets him do this to them in the Season 3 premiere, leading to. I Know Youre in There Somewhere Fight. Leo eventually manages to get through to Chase, who musters enough Heroic Willpower to break free of Douglass control and subsequently override his control of Adam and Bree. Broken Masquerade. Not only were the heroes on Youtube, but they now have a press conference, and are government-sanctioned. And Government OWNED. Strangely enough, the crossover with Mighty Med reveals that superheroes have been unaware of the existence of the Lab Rats, even though theyve been all over the news like crazy. The only ones who caught on to the Bionic Heroes were Kaz and Oliver, and theyre normos among the superhero community. To be fair, due to the nature of bionic technology copying superpowers, superheroes dont consider bionics to be anything special . Bumbling Dad. Donald. Douglas can fall under this too. Butt Monkey. Leo is the most frequent butt monkey in the franchise, but more recently, Chase is going through this. Pretty much everyone has their butt monkey moments. If Lindsay is present amongst the background extras during the scene, its a sure sign that shes about to be publicly humiliated by Principal Perry. Cain and Abel. Douglas and Donald. Call Back. The exoskeleton from Exoskeleton Vs. Grandma . in Bionic Showdown . Candid Camera Prank. Donalds slide show showcasing his security cameras catching the kids misbehavior, in Drone Alone . Completely inverted when Eddy refuses to tell what Marcus does in Concert In A Can . and says absolutely nothing about his activities in Mission:Space . Who Is Marcus and Speed Trapped . Last one is arguably averted since Donald shutdown Eddie for awhile due to him messing around with Tasha on hers and Donald Anniversary. The Cast Show Off : Billy Unger often gets to show off his martial arts skills. Kelli Berglund gets to show some of her dance moves in the school dance episode. Tyrel Jackson Williams isnt a slouch in the dance department, either. Even Hal Sparks is a martial artist and a guitarist. Casual Danger Dialogue. Many in Bionic Showdown, such as Adam speaking with Jewish accent, and Brees YOLO, all while they were trapped in Douglas house. Leo and Eddy count too, as they argue about things like the red cart Leo is using when they set off to rescue their family. Catch Phrase. Donalds: BOOM He even argues about it with Douglas. Also, Adams Saved it Character Death : Victor Krane gets shot in space during Space Colony . Giselle gets killed in the series finale, by being sliced to several pieces by her own whip . Child Soldiers. Douglas was the one responsible for giving bionics to the Lab Rats, for the purpose of training them as living weapons for sale to the highest bidder. Cue Donald taking the kids and putting them in hiding before the series Christmas Episode. Twas the Mission Before Christmas Cliffhanger. Season 2 finale, No Going Back, ends with the Lab Rats running away from home for fear, Leo and Donald stuck in the elevator, Donald without any money, and the lab completely destroyed . Cloudcuckoolander. Adam. He keeps random strands of hair he uses to make fake mustaches in his locker. Comically Missing the Point. From Bionic Birthday Fail :Adam: Woohoo Leos having a surprise party Chase: Adam, if Leo was having a surprise party, dont you think wed be invited Adam: Yeah, youre right Who is Tasha thinking she is not inviting us From Leo vs. Evil . some time after Tasha had been teleported. Chase: ( seeing the teleported chair distorted by the return function ) This is awful. Adam: I know. I love that chair, I did some of my best sitting in it. Cool and Unusual Punishment. what the Principal puts the siblings through in order to attempt to get out of detention early, in Missin The Mission. Crazy Cat Lady. Principal Perry Curse Cut Short. In the pilot episode. Donald . What the - a car horn honks Cutaway Gag. A few ones: In Commando App . showing the yesteryears Christmas party of the Lab Rats, when Spike appeared. In Trucked Out . there is a scene with Adam after he had an accident with his new bicycle. Darker and Edgier. Season 2 has become this. Due to the repeated number of Wham Episodes. this show has become Darker and Edgier than most live action Disney shows. A Day in the Limelight. Leo, in Parallel Universe . Deadpan Snarker. Chase and Leo. Everyone has their moments. Disney Death : Leo in Back From The Future . This could also be Marcus fate in Bionic Showdown . Turns out hes not technically dead, being an android and all, but his body remains intact to the point Giselle can fix him and reactivate him . Happens to S-1 in Rise of The Secret Soldiers . where Leo fires her into the sky. Come Season 4, turns out she survived . The Ditz. Adam, but not ALL the time. Dumbass Has a Point. from Donalds point-of-view, Leos suggestions that save the day in Missin The Mission . Adam also saves Tashas life in Leo Vs. Evil by having her catch a bus home, rather than have her go through the malfunctioning teleporter. Dumb Muscle. Adam. Dynamic Entry. Leos arrival in Bionic Showdown . when he shows up in the combat exoskeleton that he wore in Exoskeleton Vs. Grandma . Egg Sitting. The subplot of Spy Fly, where Adam and Chase must take care of baby dolls, but then they try to destroy each others . Embarrassing First Name /Embarrassing Middle Name. The (female) principals name is Terry Cherry Perry. Explosive Overclocking. in Bionic Showdown . Adam discovers the ability to absorb energy from the surrounding area and supercharge his plasma grenades into a single blast that turns him into a walking Wave Motion Gun with no ill effects. Expy. Donald has similarities to Tony Stark . Billy Unger even cited this comparison to explain the series in more than one interview before the show was released. EMP. Happened in one ep. Empty Piles of Clothing. When Adam shrinks in My Little Brother, his clothes are left normal size in a heap. Epic Fail. Eddy as a security system. Hes either absolutely worthless (look at the way hes allowed Marcus to roam about inside the Davenport home, and theres no excuse for him not immediately informing Donald about Marcus firing his eye lasers at Leo and threatening to expose them all) - or hes been working against Donald all along. . You do realize he was probably still shut down due to the events of last night when the eyebeams happened right Evil Niece. Kerry Perry, behind her aunts back. Sure, Principal Perry herself admits to being callous, but doesnt like to think her niece is like her. Eye Beams. Adam has this power whenever he gets really angry. Marcus also shows that he has this power in Speed trapped - and he has no problem using it on people. Fake Guest Star. The most glaring example is Maile Flanagan, who by Season 3 plays a comparable role to Hal Sparks most fans agree she should have been added to the opening credits that season. Angel Parker and Will Forte are also this, to a lesser extent. Flanderization. In terms of annoyance with Adam and Bree. They (specially Adam) start picking on Chase a lot more from later Season 2 on. Foreshadowing : Coincidentally or not, Donald telling Rose that Adam, Bree and Chase are his brothers children that he adopted after their father fell in a volcano to hide that they are his bionic project is almost completely true, as evidenced in Bionic Showdown. Leo having bionic powers in Parallel Universe, now that he actually has them. The ending of The Vanishing . Sad as it is to break the team up, Davenports tone indicates that its out of extremely serious circumstances, and mentions a new team. We find out how serious the situation is in Lab Rats: Elite Force . Four-Philosophy Ensemble The Cynic: Chase The Optimist: Bree The Realist: Leo The Apathetic: Adam Four-Temperament Ensemble Sanguine: Bree Chloleric: Leo Melancholic: Chase Phlegmatic: Adam Fragile Speedster. Bree. Fun T-Shirt. Leo is always seen wearing these. Averted is season three, when Leo starts dressing more to impress (the girls). Future Me Scares Me. Averted with FutureLeo and played with FutureDonald (Mostly there scared because FutureDonald REALLY let himself go in the weight department after the lab rats died in a averted future.). Genki Girl. Bree, naturally . Getting Crap Past the Radar. Most arent particularly obvious, but they do slip in lines like Principal Perrys Get your hands off my junk from Hole in One. (She was talking about literal trash in the scene.) Theres also the less humorous fact that the protagonists are pretty young, but Marcus deliberately tries to kill Leo on more than one occasion. Leos nickname for Donald is Big D. This is played with in Parallel Universe : Donald . Whats a Big D In Spikes Got Talent . we get this exchange when Adam is licking the popcorn sculpture of Principal Perry: Bree: Adam, stop licking Principal Perry Face Off has Chase revert back to himself from Bree (he slapped on a cybermask to look like Bree) while slow-dancing and being cuddled by Jake Chambers. Chase didnt notice for at least five seconds . Adam took considerable pleasure from seeing it. Also, this quote from that episode: One wonders what Jake did to Chase while he thought he was Bree. This gem from Commando App : Donald: Im just worried about Chases Commando App. Also in Commando App . during one of the football scenes, Leo teaches how Adam how to play. Leo places his hand between Adams legs (to receive the ball), and Adam manages to say this: Adam: Dude, its football, not hand ball . We get this one from The Night of the Living Virus : Leo: (covers Chases ears) Theres children in the room Chase: Davenport wouldnt be home. Its Wednesday. Hes getting something waxed. Douglas: Well, he is hairy. He gets that from our mom. Good Counterpart. Principal Perry has one in a parallel universe. Gratuitous Spanish. In Concert in a Can, as Donald mentions he is a multilingual millionaire, Marcus responds with ooh, gracias , followed by a de nada by Donald. Happily Married. Donald and Tasha. Harmless Freezing HeelFace Turn. First happens to Douglas in Season 3 joins the heroes and later, S-1 in Season 4. Hide Your Pregnancy. Angel Parker, who plays Tasha, was pregnant with her second child towards the end of shooting the first season. Hidden Depths. While not possessing Obfuscating Stupidity by any means, Adam is occasionally far more clever than anyone gives him credit for. Hi, Mom. Hilariously unusual example in Rats in the Train. Leo says this to the camera. but its his mother interviewing him. Hoist by His Own Petard. When Leo ends up in a fix, its usually by this method. Played horrifyingly straight in Speed Trapped . when Marcus tries to eliminate him because Leo takes his job as the enforcer seriously. Hot Scoop. Tasha again. Idiosyncratic Wipes. the show has four of them: The scene ends in a computer screen and switches to another one. The door with the iconic bionic emblem closes and opens showing another scene. Bree runs through the screen leaving a trail of blue hexes that disappear right after. Chase lands on the floor causing blue hexes to appear and disappear. Idiot Ball. Donald, when it comes to Marcus. I Just Want to Be Normal. Bree and Adam occasionally dip into this. I Just Want to Be Special. Leo shows signs of being this. Chase also dips into this, feeling hes not given enough recognition. I Know Youre in There Somewhere Fight. Done to Chase by Leo in Sink Or Swim, Part 2 when Douglas and Victor have taken control of Adam, Bree and Chase and made them run amok. I Never Said It Was Poison. How Leo realizes Marcus hijacked the car in Speed Trapped. Marcus: Leo, I am so happy youre home safe I cant believe you almost ended up at the bottom of the ocean Leo: Wait. how did you know where the car was set to go Leo: Im sorry. I just got a little carried away. with you carrying me away. (Beat) Oh come on, its funny Chase: So, whats on your agenda for the day Build some bombs, take over a tiny country, steal money from old ladies Douglas: Well, not in that order. Bree: Oh, that cured my boredom. I Thought You Were Dead. Donald said this when he learns his brother, Douglas, is alive. Douglas said he made Donald, the police, and their mother think he was dead. It Is Pronounced Tro-PAY. Parallel universes Bree in Parallel Universe:Bree: Its pronounced Br-AY Like breath without the - thh Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Leo Just Smile and Nod. In Can I Borrow the Helicopter, when Adam is talking about his horse, Donald tells Tasha he isnt getting it, but he smiles and nods till its over. Kent Brockman News. Tashas job mostly consists of stories of babies that look like ex-presidents and stuff. The runaway train was her first real assignment according to her. Killer Robot. Marcus sics one on Leo when he discover Marcus and Douglas evil lair, in Leo vs. Evil . Knight of Cerebus. Like most Disney shows, the majority of the villains are reasonably harmless and normally portrayed as light hearted. Marcus on the other hand, once he drops his nice guy act, is presented as Sociopathic bully, that realistically tries to murder Leo. It gets worse when they introduce his creator, Douglas Davenport. Although still seemingly light hearted, he is a coldblooded Mad Scientist whos committed a list of crimes over a mile long, including experimenting on Children, violating medical ethics, kidnapping, brainwashing and is also perfectly willing to commit outright murder when it suits him. When he appears the show takes a much darker tone. Which then gets takes Up to Eleven when Douglas benefactor Krane (who has also been given bionics) shows up, and demonstrates that he has zero consideration for the well-being or lives of anyone who gets in the way of his plans. Leaning on the Fourth Wall. When Bree and Adam make their own cheer routine in Air Leo . they explain the use of their abilities as special effects. Limited Wardrobe. Not to the extremes as seen in cartoons, but the characters are often seen wearing a signature article of clothing (Chases plaid shirt, Brees Dr. Martens boots, Donalds black jacket, etc.) Luke, I Am Your Father. Douglas does this to the Rats in Bionic Showdown . Defied when the Rats tell Donald that they feel that way about him. MacGuffin. The Painting in Hole in One. Mad Scientist. Donald is this by way of Rule of Funny. The real holder for this trope is Douglas. Maligned Mixed Marriage. Subverted. Man Child. Donald again. The mans got a bedroom full of video games and action figures. Up to Eleven in Memory Wipe. Mauve Shirt. Out of all the Bionic Soldiers, Lexis, Tankss, and Kates characterizations are limited to the episodes they appear in. On the other hand, Spin, Bob and Sebastian have had prominent recurring roles throughout. Mirror Universe. In the episode Parallel Universe . Things are very much opposite to begin with, Leo in that world has the bionics of the Lab Rats along with abilities hes seen before, and Adam Bree and Chase are Muggles not related to Donald, but also Evil Counterparts in the sense that they are antagonistic to Leo after finding out he is bionic. Personality wise, Donald is an insecure, inventor-in-training, his mom is a Jerkass mogul who abuses Donald, Adam, Bree and Chase have opposite personalities, with Adam being philosophical, Bree being an even bigger brat than her main counterpart, and Chase being a Jerk Jock instead of a snarky nerd. In addition, Principal Perry is good, kind and altruistic, even helping Leo escape the government agents and the Lab Rats alternate counterparts. Mission Control. Leos assigned position on the team as of Missin The Mission . Mission Control Is Off Its Meds. Eddy. Full stop. Money Fetish. Chase seems to have develop this in Chore Wars. Muggles The entire population of Mission Creek besides the Davenports and Principal Perry, who used to be the most prominent example. Most notable examples are Caitlin, Trent and Grandma Rose. While Donald and Leo are normal humans, they take part on missions. Tasha just knows their secret, like Perry. Mundane Solution. In Leo vs. Evil, Adam calls Tasha on her cell phone and tells her to get home by public transport instead of waiting for the dangerous and unstable teleporter. Naked People Are Funny. In The Haunting of Mission Creek High, school bully Trent steals Leos clothes and leaves him in nothing but a towel. And then he eventually takes the towel, too (offscreen, of course). Instinctively everyone comes to see poor naked Leo. Nested Story Reveal. Principal from Another Planet, which at the end of the episode is revealed to be just a movie Leo made for a sci-fi film festival. Never Say Die. VERY much averted by Season 3 and 4. Non-Uniform Uniform. Each Lab Rat has a different mission suit design. Donald also has one. Noodle Incident. Perry has dozens, and it became a plot point in Spike Fright . No-One Could Survive That. Both Victor Krane and S-1 were shot in the sky when they were defeated. Their fates were left ambiguous as there was nothing to confirm their deaths, but they have since been presumed deceased due to the hits they took. However, it later turns out S-1 survived8212she woke up in a field and had been in hiding since the end of the battle, later reuniting with her brothers and sisters and is no longer evil. As for Krane, he ended up being severely injured, but the evil scientist Dr. Gao found him and gave him a mask to help him breathe. Krane ended up returning in Space Colony, but was finally killed during the space battle . Not Me This Time. In Under Siege . everyone assumes Kerry, Perrys troublemaking niece who happened to be visiting the academy, was responsible for the suspicious events happening in the academy. Sure, Kerry did end up stealing their belongings, but it turned out it wasnt her who was destroying the academy, it was a sleepwalking Leo . Not So Above It All. In The Haunting of Mission Creek High, when a ghost terrorizing the school is revealed to be a prank played once a decade by Principal Perry. Ms Thistle (who is a absent minded old lady) uses one of Davenports electromagnetic rifles to taser Principal Perry, leaving her paralyzed on the floor and conscious while she states The Dog Bites Back It wasnt that funny 20 years ago and its not funny now. Obfuscating Stupidity. Despite his Cloudcuckoolander status (or, perhaps, because of it ), Adam has started out Season Two in this corner. Hes a long way from Genius Bruiser status, but hes not nearly as firmly rooted in the Too Dumb to Live section as Chase and Brees behavior towards him would seem. Obnoxious In-Laws. Tashas mother, Rose, isnt very welcoming to not just Donald, but anyone in his family. Even if she hadnt met him, its pretty clear she wouldnt have any liking for Douglas either. Ominous Message from the Future. FutureLeo traveling back in time to warn the present Leo Adam, Bree and Chase are going to die during their next mission in Back From the Future. Once a Season : Spike appears only once per season. Adam taking home an animal/living being thats randomly unattended A horse in Season 1, a llama in Season 2, 30 bionic solders in Season 3, Otis in Season 4, who happened to be Douglass dog. Once More With Volume. In Bionic Showdown:Chase: Well, maybe your orders arent always right. Adam: He said maybe your orders arent. Only Sane Man. Tasha is shaping up to be this. Personality Powers. The kids powers actually come across like this. Adams strong, a bit of a jerk, but not too bright . Bree is a highly unstable teenage girl with Super Speed. and for Gods sake, let her watch her reality-TV programs. Its the only thing that keeps her from unleashing all of THAT on her brothers Chase is not only smart, but a smarty-pants . Even Leo gets in on this. In Parallel Universe . when he got powers. he was able to break things without meaning to. but also able to get out of trouble. mostly . Power Incontinence. The Lab Rats have to be careful or else there powers could glitch. Power Makes Your Voice Deep. Appears to be a side-effect of boys bionic powers in overdrive, as it happens when Chase becomes Spike and when Adam discovers his hidden bionic ability of a supercharged energy blast (in Bionic Showdown ). Then when Bree loses her temper, her vocal manipulation will kick in and make her speak in a deep, angry voice. When Marcus is being evil (and using his powers,) he tends to do a deeper voice than when hes pretending to be a friend to the Lab Rats. Power Trio Beauty, Brains and Brawn. Bree, Chase and Adam. Freudian Trio. Bree is The McCoy. Chase is The Spock. and Adam is The Kirk . Two Guys and a Girl Reactive Continuous Scream. In Crush, Chop and Burn, when the Lab Rats first meet Leo. First, they scream, then Leo, then them all together, and then Leo again. Reality Ensues. In Scramble The Orbs . the school board has been taking watch over Trents actions, and warn him not to abuse other students anymore. In Which Father Knows Best Chase upgraded Donalds motorcycle to reach 400 mph. Chase gave it a test run, but it ran out of gas too quickly because it gets 12 inches to the gallon. As it turns out, if you upgrade to increase a vehicles top speed, its gas mileage will decrease. Redshirt Army. The Bionic Soldiers arent as effective as they were in Rise of The Secret Soldiers . In Bionic Action Hero . they couldnt take out even one Android. This is justified, as most of them are still learning to use their bionics well in combat. Rhetorical Question Blunder. In Three Minus Bree, after Bree smashes her chip :Donald: What did you do Adam: Well, she smashed the. Donald: I know what she did. to Bree How could you do that Running Gag : The table at the dining room constantly being broken (but replaced for the next scene or episode) is sort of one. Leo even asks why they always buy a glass table. Bionic people are usually asked if they can fly. Sadist Teacher. Principal Perry. She slowly moves out of this in Season 3.Sarcastic Clapping. Adam does this in Chip Switch. Secret Keeper. Leo and Tasha. Principal Perry joins in season 3. However, several of Donalds inventions arent secret. Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing. When Adam shrinks, his clothes do not (forcing him to hide in his shoe to cover himself). Chase has to find him doll clothes to wear. Shouldnt We Be in School Right Now. Almost always averted. Many episodes also have Mission Creek High as the main setting, mainly because of Principal Perry. Its interesting to notice that in Missin the Mission the Lab Rats get detention for missing school a lot because they are on mission. Played straight in Face Off . where Leo spends the entire episode at home, which is odd, considering the Lab Rats were shown attending school during the day as scenes switch back and forth to them. Shout-Out : When Perrys robotic duplicate is accidentally programmed to attack Mission Creek High, Principal Perry tears the head off, holds it up and declares There can be only one . In the series finale, Adam dancing to distract Giselle is the exact same trick Starlord used on Ronan The Accuser in Guardians of the Galaxy . and it worked. Sitcom Arch-Nemesis. Trent and Principal Perry with Leo. Skyward Scream. Leo screaming WHYYYY learning that Janelles mom is going to take her at his house but he will not be able to unfreeze her in time. Smart Ball. Adam gets this sometimes. One example is when he decided to call Tasha to take a bus before the others could use the teleporter for a return trip (which would have ended REALLY badly. ) Sorting Algorithm of Evil. First we have Principal Perry, a ruthless, tyrant principal who enjoys making students grovel at her feet. Later, theres Marcus, an Ax-Crazy bionic android who has it out for Leo the most, that he later blackmails him. Then, theres Douglas Davenport, Donalds evil brother who wanted to use his creations as Super Soldiers. Finally, there is Victor Krane, who is bionic and wants to use his powers to kill the main characters . Spandex, Latex, or Leather. The Rats and their new mission uniforms, as of Bionic Showdown . Speaks in Binary. Chase and Scott, for fun. Spiritual Successor. The cast makes it sound like this for Wizards of Waverly Place. Not only do they share the same director and some crew, but both are about families with special abilities that need to keep a secret while attempting to live normal lives and going on adventures. Technically speaking, they both also rely heavily on special effects as well as occasional fight scenes. Status Quo Is God. Usually, as much of the damage caused by Donalds inventions or troubles the Rats and Leo get into are solved at the end of their respective episodes. In addition, no matter how much the Lab Rats change their location, Perry will always end up in their lives. However, there are many averting examples: As of season 2 Trent Gets Schooled , Trent is the P. E. teacher in Mission Creek High. As of season 2 finale No Going Back , Principal Perry knows about the secret of Lab Rats. As of season 3 Mission: Mission Creek High , there is a new lab. As of season 3 Zip It , Chase and Bree work at Tech Town. In Three Minus Bree from season 3, Bree destroys her chip so she is not bionic anymore. Only in the following episode, Which Father Knows Best , she gets a new chip. Episodes after You Posted What. zigzag this. The world does know theyre bionic, but nonetheless, things proceed as they normally do. Basically, every time something big happens, big changes will happen from that point onwards. Stock Scream. In Bionic Birthday Fail . Adam trows a ninja away, who shouts a Wilhelm Scream. Super Intelligence. Chase. Super Strength. Adam. Suspiciously Similar Substitute. S-1 is basically this to Marcus. Swapped Roles. Frustrated and angry with Principal Perrys abuses of power, Bree insists she would make a better principal. Perry accepts the challenge and lets her be the principal for one day, convinced shell crash and burn in less then 2 hours. When Brees leadership actually improves the school, Perry retaliates by becoming a student hooligan who turns the school upside down just to sabotage the contest. Bree has the last laugh however, as she brings in Perrys authoritian and very scary mother to punish her for making trouble. Tagline. Every family has its glitches. The Bully. Trent. This is why Principal Perry favors him over other students. The Team Wannabe. Leo. The Only One Allowed to Defeat You. Douglas isnt going to hurt Leo, because he promised to let Marcus have that privilege. The Smurfette Principle. Bree is the only female featured in the opening credits, although Tasha and Principal Perry are also major characters. Title Drop. In the first episode, Chase says Were like human lab rats then cut to Adam running on a giant hamster wheel. Took A Level In BadButt. In Parallel Universe . Leo showed some actual fighting skills against the MIBs that showed up to capture him - as well as being willing to fire on his attackers first. Leos takedown of a berserk Eddy in Night of the Living Virus with a laser reflector. Note that he has no bionics and is a scrawny kid, against an A. I. that has helped to train the young bionic heroes. Trash the Set. At the end of Season 2, Douglas blows up the lab, leading Donald to build a new, futuristic one that is featured in the next two seasons. Triple Nipple. Adam is this, as stated in Concert in a Can. Troubled Fetal Position. Trent in The Haunting of Mission Creek High, after he is haunted by Leo and the lab rats. Two Lines, No Waiting. Many episodes use this format: the most common being Adam/Bree/Chase and Leo/Donald or alternatively a plot with Leo and one of the rats and the other plot featuring the other two rats. Then in Season 4, another format is having all main characters for one plot, while the recurring characters get their own. Unexpected Character. Trailers led fans to believe Dr. Gao is the main villain of Space Colony . but we find out Krane is back and Dr. Gao is his partner . Versus Title. Parodied with Exoskeleton vs. Grandma, and played straight with Leo vs. Evil. Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World. Adam, Bree and Chase. As of early Season Two, Leo fits this as well. Villain Exit Stage Left. During his base destruction, Douglas made his escape. Volleying Insults. The Tag of Commando App and Spikes Got Talent between Spike and Principal Perry. We Are as Mayflies. Bionic abilities in androids leads to them burning out very quickly. According to Douglas, Marcus had very little time left. Went to the Great X in the Sky. In Drone Alone:Donald: So, if youre watching this, I must have gone to that big hard drive in the sky. What Happened to the Mouse. Leos comment about how Eddy failed as a security system (he allowed Marcus to enter the lab, not to mention the spy camera that Eddy still hasnt detected. or Marcus activities in Who Is Marcus ) hasnt been addressed by Donald yet. This MIGHT be averted due to the reveal of who Marcus dad is, afterall, who better to know where security leaks and how to hide stuff better than Donalds brother. No excuse on the Who is Marcus fiasco, though. We havent had any mention of Adams plasma grenades or flame vision since Air Leo, either. though the Plasma Grenade might be connected to Adams new Kamehame Hadoken . The flame vision may have just been an early version of his heat vision. Chase even calls it as such. Nor have we seen Brees ability to stick to the ceiling since Mission Invisible. Wham Episode : Mission Space . Marcus is indeed a trouble-maker and is spying on the Davenports along with someone else. Speed Trapped . Marcus is revealed to be a bionic. Leo finds this out but has to keep quiet lest Marcus attack his family. Bionic Showdown . The appearance of Douglas Davenport, Donalds brother who reveals hes the real creator of Adam, Bree and Chase as well as Marcus. After a fight, Marcus is apparently crushed by debris but Douglas manages to escape. Avalanche . Douglas reappears again and tries to sway Chase to his side. He fails and is frozen in an ice block and promptly sent to jail. Season 2 finale No Going Back Perry finds out about the kids being bionic and an FBI agent begins investigating their home. Adam, Bree and Chase fear the Government will take them away and run away from home to avoid this. But it turns out the agent was looking into a case for Donald, whose bank account was hacked and left him broke. After Donald and Leo find out that the bionic siblings are missing, they set out to find them. Just as they do so, Douglas reveals he was behind the hacking, having been broken free from his ice prison by a mysterious bionic person. He then remotely blows up the lab, leaving Donald and Leo with no means to track the trio. Season 3 opening, Sink or Swim We meet the masked man, Victor Krane, who is revealed to be Douglass benefactor and an adult cybernetically enhance human whos shown to be even more dangerous threat than Douglas and Marcus have been. Taken Krane inevitably turns on Douglas and attempts to destroy Adam, Bree and Chase himself. Douglas ultimately has a change of heart and helps save them but has to go into hiding when Kane escapes after hes beaten. Which Father Knows Best Douglas helps restore Brees bionic chip and Donald offers him a second chance, allowing him to move in with the family. You Posted What Adam, Bree and Chase are caught on camera using their cybernetics and exposed to the rest of the world. Government agents soon come to their house to take them away but they refuse. In the middle of this its revealed that Krane was responsible for outing them and even has a bionic child of his own named S-1 who had filmed them. During an attack, Leos right arm is crushed but Douglas saves it by making it bionic. After the group manage to defeat Krane and S-1, the siblings announce to the world theyre bionic superheroes. However, Krane shows that he has more bionic soldiers lying in wait. A lot more. Rise of the Secret Soldier and the following episodes afterward sets up the events of the Bionic Island story arc . Bionic Action Hero Douglass ex-girlfrend, Giselle, reveals shes trying to get into the bionic solider trade herself and attempts to steal the data from the bionic island under the guise of wanting to make a movie. Her plans are thwarted and her android is destroyed. But she manages to escape and heads to whats left of Douglass old lair where she finds the remains of Marcus, intent on reviving him. Wham Line. Im your father . What Measure Is a Non-Human. Averted, the shows made it very clear on multiple occasions, that the mere fact that Adam, Bree and Chase where created in a lab doesnt make them any less valuable than normal humans. Likewise all of them (including Kranes army) are presented as being very human in needs, wants and feelings. Throughout, the only people who try and dehumanise them, are always presented as unpleasant and bigoted at best, and outright psychotic at worst. White Mask of Doom. The Masked Man, later revealed to be Victor Krane, first appearing in No Going Back. World of Snark. Everyone on the show is a Deadpan Snarker. but when and how often they use their snark interchange. Women Are Wiser. Tasha may not be more intelligent, but she is more down to earth than her husband. Averted, in that although Bree is occasionally the voice of reason, she is normally portrayed as irresponsible and prone to overreacting to minor things. Still, most of the problems in the series are caused by Adam and/or Leo. Then again, she is still a teenager a BIONIC teenager to be precise. X Called They Want Their Y Back. a few times. From Commando App: Spike: (to Principal Perry) Hey, Ireland called, they want their leprechaun back From Death Spiral Smackdown: Chase: (to Bree) Well, the Tin Man called, he wants his neck back. Eddy: Oh, he Leo left. Something about a recycling center, neglectful parents, life and death, blah-blah-blah. Donald: Why dont you tell us any of this
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